The Pre-Columbian Society at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology and Anthropology was formed after some attendees of the first Maya Weekend (1983) found the Weekend so successful that they were prompted to ask why they should wait another year to work on glyph decipherment and hear quality presentations on current research. After a year’s worth of conversation among the founding members regarding the philosophy, form and direction of the organization, the Pre-Columbian Society was formed at the second Maya Weekend in 1984, with the University Museum generously providing a home and support for the meetings. Founding members include Elin Danien, John Harris, Chris Jones, the late Ben Leaf, the late Shimon Mednick and Steve Stearns.
Our membership has now grown to approximately 100 members across the US and overseas.  Previously, for our monthly meetings, attendees traveled to Philadelphia from a segment of the northeast that, on average, covers New York through Maryland/Washington DC. In the past, meetings were usually held at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. However, all meetings of The Pre-Columbian Society at the Penn Museum, both talks and Glyph Group meetings, will be online via Zoom for the foreseeable future.
Our publication, The Codex, debuted in November 1990 as a small newsletter, and has evolved over the years into a publication of significance in the world of Mesoamerican and pre-Columbian studies. Issues include articles on current research, fieldwork, linguistics, glyph decipherment and more. The Codex is published biannually, and is free with membership or available for separate purchase (some past issues still available). For a look at the contents of past issues: The Codex.
Our Glyph Group is a subset of the main membership, and meets Saturday mornings prior to the general meeting and throughout the summer as well. The Glyph Group focuses on the study and decipherment of hieroglyphs found throughout the Mesoamerican world. Beginners are always welcome to join this fascinating area of study! For information, see: Glyph Group.
The PCS is governed by a Board of Directors and officers, which are elected every two years. Additionally, there are committees that serve various functions. The current Board, slate of officers and committee chairs are:
Board of Directors
Brian Ampolsk
Bruce Asam
Kate Casano
Anita Fahringer
Gaye Greenwald
Chris Kocher
Bob Paulson
President: everyone
Vice President: Chris Layser
Secretary: Gaye Greenwald
Treasurer: Kate Casano
Codex editor: Anita Fahringer
Glyph Group Leader: Chris Kocher
Membership: Gaye Greenwald
Public Information: Bob Paulson (website)
Program (speakers): everyone